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How To Improve Your Gas Mileage

2024 Range Rover Sport


Driving around Annapolis can quickly add up in fuel costs, especially if you’re constantly refilling your tank. Fortunately, there are effective ways to improve gas mileage and make your trips more fuel-efficient. Our service department has compiled a helpful guide full of tips on improving fuel efficiency. Whether it’s through smart driving habits or keeping up with regular maintenance, these suggestions can help you get the most out of every gallon of gas.



Tips on Improving Fuel Efficiency: Good Driving Habits

Adopting better driving habits is one of the simplest ways to improve gas mileage. By making small adjustments, Edgewater drivers can see significant improvements in fuel efficiency. Here are some driving tips that can help conserve fuel:

  • Drive the speed limit
  • Drive at a consistent speed
  • Accelerate gradually
  • Get rid of unnecessary weight or cargo
  • Don’t idle the car any more than necessary 

Tips on Improving Fuel Efficiency: Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is also one of the ways to improve gas mileage. It’s not only important for better fuel efficiency but also for the overall lifespan of your car. Staying on top of your car’s service schedule keeps your engine and other systems working properly, which can help improve gas mileage during your Crofton drives. Here are some maintenance tasks that can boost fuel efficiency:

  • Keep your tires inflated properly
  • Changing spark plugs regularly
  • Changing the air filter regularly
  • Make sure the wheels are aligned properly
  • Replace a broken or missing spoiler
  • Replace oxygen sensors regularly
  • Replace the thermostat when needed
  • Replace the cabin air filter regularly
  • Have your brakes checked for drag
  • Have your oil changed regularly

Regular maintenance like these can prevent your car from working harder than it needs to, saving you fuel in the long run.

The Service Center at Land Rover Annapolis is Here to Help

At Land Rover Annapolis, we’re dedicated to keeping your car in top shape and show you how to improve gas mileage. Our expert technicians in Annapolis are here to assist with all your maintenance needs, ensuring your vehicle operates at peak efficiency. Schedule your next service appointment today and explore more automotive tips from our knowledgeable team. We look forward to serving drivers from Severna Park and beyond!


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Land Rover Annapolis 39.0177406, -76.4824321.